Articles on: Co-ownership

What rights and responsibilities do co-owners have to Novlr (and vice versa)?

Exactly how co-ownership will function is something we’ll work out with our co-owners. What we do know is that once we have 1000 co-owners, we’ll be pulling together the exact structures of a writer entity — a trust or coop that will initially own a part of Novlr, then, as the members grow, will own the majority of Novlr.

Being a co-owner of Novlr brings with it the right to play a part in Novlr’s governance, and, when we become profitable, to share in any financial upside.

Being a co-owner of Novlr brings no formal responsibilities, but like any group you’re a part of, the more you contribute, the stronger the group becomes. We’ll share ways to contribute on your co-owner dashboard and add many more ways to contribute as we evolve.

Updated on: 20/07/2023

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